Is This A Crisis?

What you do is very important to the Lord The preaching that you do on Sunday mornings and midweek services is possibly the only spiritual teaching and food your kids are getting each week. That is why what you do is precious to the Lord Kids need more of God’s Word and yet biblical illiteracy is at an all time high in America. When I talk to professors at Bible colleges they tell me new students seeking theological degrees know little to nothing about the Bible. Is this a problem? It’s more than a problem- it’s a crisis. Ironically, this has happened while our churches have spent millions of dollars on themed classrooms, high-tech media centers and full time KidMin pastors. We have beautiful buildings and dedicated staff/volunteers, but our kids are not learning the Bible. This generation is spiritually hungry. My question for you is do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution? In my opinion, too many of us have bought into the philosophy of “teach less for more,” the good news is there is a solution to the crisis. The solution is: Teach More Bible If our kids are spiritually hungry, the answer is more food, not less. As Children’s Ministry Pastors/Leaders, we have to think about many things including security, recruiting volunteers, dealing with angry parents and staying current with the culture. At times, it can be overwhelming, but let’s not lose sight of our number one job of spiritually feeding the kids in our classes. Here is why preaching to kids is so critical, more critical than any other ministry. The fact is kids under the age of eight can’t read yet. They are totally dependent on someone else to feed/teach them. Do parents have a responsibility? Absolutely, but we can’t control what the parent’s do. You can’t control what the youth pastor does after you. You can only control what you do. The Word we are preaching is precious to our kids and it’s precious to the Lord. We have our kids for maybe one or two hours every week. Let’s make sure we are doing our job and doing it well. Teach the Word of God and Go Deep! If it is in the Bible you can preach it to kids. This is why I created Super Church 2.0 and Kinder Church 2.0 to teach our preschool and elementary kids the deep things of God’s Word. It teaches the Bible in a way that hold their attention and does more than just entertain them. Each lesson equips you to preach the Word and preach it with passion. What’s even better is Super Church and Kinder Church 2.0 mirror each other, so your kids will learn the same powerful truths from God’s Word each week.   You’ll cover powerful topics like the fundamentals of Christianity, Faith, Prayer, Holy Spirit, Evangelism, Leadership, Love, Spiritual Growth and more in Super Church 2.0. If these are things we want our kids to walk into preteen/youth ministry knowing then we need to build our programs and curriculum around these goals, Super Church and Kinder Church 2.0 help you do that.  

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