Ten Books To Read In 2017

I love to read!

I have read hundreds of book over the years, however there are a handful of books that have had a dramatic impact in my life.

Here is a list of my top ten books:

1) Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend – This book revolutionized my marriage.

2) A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards – A comparison of the leadership skills of King David and King Saul. It changed how I viewed leadership.

3) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – Rich people think different than poor people.

Napoleon Hill interviewed over 500 men of great wealth. Men like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison and put the results of his findings in this book. This book totally changed how I viewed money.

4) The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson – A powerful book about prayer and dreams. It will change your prayer life forever.

5) Tribes by Seth Godin – Motivated me to start leading again.

6) Make Anger Your Ally by Neil Clark Warren – Taught me to take responsibility for my anger and channel it in a positive way.

7) Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey – I did not have good people skills when I started in ministry. Stephen Covey totally changed how I view people. I use Habit #5 every day. “Seek to understand, then be understand.”

8) How to be Led by the Spirit of God by Kenneth Hagin – The best book I’ve ever read on how to hear the voice of God. I read this book every year.

9) Five Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell – John Maxwell’s most recent book about leadership and is arguably the best book I’ve ever read on the subject.

10) Put Your Dream To The Test by John Maxwell – Everyone should read this book, especially those that have quit dreaming and started coasting.

4 thoughts on “Ten Books To Read In 2017

  1. Linda Roberts says:

    Thanks Mark,

    I always appreciate your blogs and the wisdom you and Deb give. I have read about half of these and will read the rest because you recommend them. Your insight goes beyond Children’s Ministry and I am blessed because of it!

  2. Jacob says:

    Tale of Three Kings has to be one of the BEST books I have every read. You can sit down and read it in about 1 hour, but one hour is worth the LIFETIME of wisdom with situations and people. These are some GREAT books on this list some I have read, now some I WILL read!
    Thank you Mark for letting us see inside your library!

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