Top 5 Reasons to have VBS

Let’s be honest. VBS can be one of the most stressful weeks of the year for KidMin People. You get watch everybody’s kids for the whole week instead of just Sunday. Not only are you putting in an extra 50 hours, but you still have to cover the weekend services. It’s easy to start thinking negative thoughts when you get tired. This is why it’s critical to arm yourself with positive thoughts. Ask yourself, what is your purpose for VBS? Even though VBS is a ton of work I still think it’s worth the effort. Here are my top reasons for VBS. 1. New families come to church that might never come on a Sunday. VBS is an American tradition. A lot of families look for VBS programs to send their kids too. It’s true that many just see it as “free childcare”, but it is still an opportunity to reach new people. 2. VBS is a great time to teach your kids about witnessing. Most kids in the church have grown up in church so they really don’t understand that there are lots of families who don’t go to church. I always make a big push at VBS for kids to invite their friends. 3. Lots of children get saved at VBS. Sometimes we have more kids get saved in one week of VBS than we do the entire rest of the year 4. VBS is a great opportunity to recruit new volunteers. I find it is easier to get people to commit to help for one week at VBS that to commit to the weekly Kids Ministry. 5. It’s a great opportunity to get the vision for KidMin in front of the rest of church. At our church KidMin takes over for the week of VBS. Make sure to let your pastor and church leaders know about all the good things that happened at VBS. Every year we have new families start attending our church. There is nothing that motivates pastors more than new people. * Yep. VBS is a lot of work. * Is it worth it? Absolutely. * I’m tired when it’s over, but it’s a good tired. What is your theme for VBS this year? We have a free VBS Planning Guide!

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