The Survey Says

The Survey Says: Part 3 – Oversight

Think GROW

Plan ahead, not just on events or classroom supplies. Be ready and solid in what you’re doing now, with growth plans built in. If you have 25 kids, treat the ministry like you have 50, so when you get 50, you won’t have to scramble. There is freedom in preparation.

Do You Need To Make Changes?

People don’t like change.  If you are making a change from, “What has always been done,” give yourself six (6) months to develop steps to change, gain trust and build relationships. Then, seek to make changes where needed. You want your volunteers to be onboard with you.

What To Wear?

Will you be moving up and down, and active?  Are you on concrete? Think ahead and be ready. Wear comfortable shoes. Wear comfortable clothing. Wear a watch. Have a pocket for your phone.


Think about what you will need before you need it. Whatever you use on a regular basis, have it handy for when you runout of it.

  • Always have extra batteries for microphones!
  • Forms (you use often)
  • Band-Aids
  • Paper and pen

Take the Stress Off of Sunday

Whatever you can do before Sunday, do it, or delegate it.  Don’t wait to do big things on Sunday.  Test it and try it.  If doing a new object lesson – test it before you do it live at your service.  (It takes time to do this, every week, but you will save yourself a big “Oops” during your service.)

Be Flexible

Planning is great, but be flexible, kids are unpredictable.  Things may not always go as planned, don’t let that throw you.  Remember – the kids.

No Surprises

Never surprise your Senior Pastor.  Don’t put him/her in an embarrassing situation. You are hired to think about the details of kid’s ministry.  Think everything through. Don’t leave things to the last minute.  Always be prepared when talking to your Pastor.  If any situation arises, be the first to bring it to his/her attention.

So do you get the idea? Be ready and be prepared.

We have a few resources that might help you with your team. Our goal is to set you up for success. (These are free downloads you can use in your KidMin.)

Leader Guide: Salvation Experience – this is great to use when training your volunteers for an altar call. You can’t be in two places at once.

Leader Guide: Holy Spirit – Speaking in Tongues – This guide will give you detailed instruction in how to lead children into the infilling of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. It is a quick reference point at your fingertips.

SMART Goals Worksheet Packet – This packet includes several Goal Worksheets you can print out, laminate and use over and over to make sure you meet your goals.

Your Guide To Starting A Kids Ministry Team eBook – Have you thought about getting kids involved in ministry at your church, but weren’t sure how to start. This eBook is a step by step guide on how you can start your own Ministry Team.

(To get any or all of these free downloads, simply click on the title.)

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