What I Wish I Knew When I Started in Kid’s Ministry

The Survey Says, Part 3 – Others & You

“If you could give some advice to a person who is new in ministry, what would it be?”  That is the question that I asked on FaceBook. 

This is the last in this series as real KidMin Leaders share what they have learned about YOU & OTHERS in ministry.

“Keep a careful watch over yourselves and over the church. The Holy Spirit has made you its leaders. Feed and care for the church of God. He bought it with His own blood.”  Acts 20:28 (NLV)

Church Staff  & Volunteers

Be a total team player with the other ministry staff members. By doing these things you will be less likely to struggle with feeling isolated or cut off and more like a valuable part of a healthy body.

Make it a priority to be involved in a other realms of church life as well (like an evening small group adult Bible Study or other areas where you aren’t attending as a part of your job responsibilities).

Surround yourself with people who are strong in areas that you are weak!


Take time to listen.  Listen to parents, volunteers, other staff members, kids. Listening is an important aspect of being a leader and helps you grow.

Most importantly take time to listen to Father God.  He has really good ideas and great plans.

No Comparison

Don’t compare yourself to those who have been in the ministry longer than you.

Don’t compare yourself to the parents of the kids you minister to.

You Do You

Do what only you can do and invite others to serve alongside you and do the rest!  Don’t be afraid to ask.


Don’t take criticism personal.  What is trying to be said (maybe it’s coming out wrong)?

Think About You

• Make sure to schedule yourself time to be in main service.

• Self care, self care, self care!!!!!!

• Read your Bible and pray.

• Don’t forget comfortable shoes and clothes, lots of coffee and even more prayer.

• God is your Audience

• Share your heart. Be honest with the kids. Pray often. Ask for help. Stay in God’s Word. If it sounds like a ridiculous idea, it may just work.

• Learn how to listen and learn patience.

So there you have it. Great advice from others who stood where you are. Great words of advice.

What spoke to you during this series?

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