What Do You Need?

Mark & Deb grand maraisThis past weekend Mark and I took a much-needed, long, over-due, trip to Grand Marais, Minnesota. It is our favorite place to go to. It is nice because it is only 4 hours away and when we get there it is SO RELAXING. We sit on the North Shore and sip coffee and listen to quiet.

Before we left we had to pack our bags. We did not just jump in our car and take off – although that is what Mark wanted to do. We decided we would go Thursday night and come back Saturday morning. With that in mind, then I knew what to pack. I’m getting better and don’t pack the whole house when I go away, in fact, most of you would probably be shocked. I take one small suitcase. So, we knew where we were going and we knew what we needed to go where we were going. Simple.

So, now I have a question for you. Do you know what you need?

Mark and I took a short trip up North, but we knew what we needed. You are leading children and adults and as a leader it is important to KNOW what you need. You may be a children’s pastor, a lead teacher, a small group leader, a parent – whatever role you play-you are a leader. AND all leaders need to have vision and know where they are going and what they need for where they are going.

There have been times that I have been too busy to know what I needed, so when asked I would say, “Well, yes, I need more money” or “Absolutely, I need more workers” but couldn’t tell you exactly what I needed to spend money on or how many workers I needed.

Take Your Inventory

I challenge you to take an inventory this weekend. Take a few minutes and grab a pad of paper and pen, then take a walk through your classes.

What do you see that needs to happen right away? What class needs more helpers? Do you need chairs for your preschoolers? What do you see that you need to begin to prepare for? What class is busting at the seams? Do you need one lead teacher and three helpers or three teaches and one helper?

Make a list, put it in your pocket, and then do what you do on Sunday. Next week (Monday or Tuesday), take a look at that list and then share that list with your team. Put your prayers on that list. That list becomes your immediate goal and your planning goal.

It is important as a leader is to have the vision for your area, but it is also important to see your vision through and see that it that happens. But if you don’t know what you need SPECIFICALLY then how will you know when you have it.

1 thoughts on “What Do You Need?

  1. Jeanne Bowser says:

    Thanks Debra. I needed to hear this again this morning. I will do what you recommended.
    Thanks again for all you do!:)

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