What Matters Most?

Recently, I was consulting at a local church.  
I was interviewing some of the key volunteer leaders and one of them asked me a question, “What matters most?”  
I didn’t hesitate, “Begin with the end in mind.”  
Then I asked this question, “What does a spiritually strong 5th grader look like?’ 

They began to say things like, “They are unselfish, kind, obedient to parents, exercising self-control.”  

I was kind of shocked that every one of their responses had to do with behavior.  

I prodded them by saying, “Everything you are talking about has to do with their relationship with others, but I’m asking about their relationship with Christ. What do we want their relationship with Christ to look like?”  

They just kind of stared at me with no response.  
See, most people that work with kids are just trying to get through Sunday. They are not thinking about the big picture.

After the conversation I realized why they gave the answers that they gave. They were simply responding with the topics from the curriculum they were teaching. 

Most church curriculum is relentlessly moralistic.  It focuses on behavior and not on having a relationship with Christ.  

Most curriculum will teach on honesty, self-control and obedience and here-in lies the problem.

We can teach kids to be good, without teaching them about Christ, simply by rewarding them for good behavior and disciplining them for bad behavior.

My point is this: The choice you make about curriculum matters and it matters a lot. 

Not only is it what you are teaching your kids, your curriculum is also training your volunteers about what matters most.  

You may only have your kids for one hour each week.
•  Every minute is important. 
•  Don’t waste their time. 
•  Don’t waste your volunteers time. 

Make sure you are teaching on what matters most, and what matters most is their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Shockingly most curriculums don’t do this. I could not find a curriculum that taught kids about the things that matters most.  

This is why I felt impressed by the Lord to create Super Church 2.0 Grow Up

Super Church 2.0 Grow Up answers these questions kids have:
• What happened to me when I gave my life to Christ?
• Why should I read the Bible?
• How do I know God hears me when I pray?
• Will God speak to me?
• Why is it important that I go to church?
• How do I obey God?
If you want to teach these things to your kids, then Super Church 2.0 Grow Up is the best curriculum choice you can make. 
==>> Click here for more info on Grow Up.

If you simply want to teach kids how to behave, then there are hundreds of choices.

For me this isn’t good enough because good behavior does not connect kids with God – only Christ can do that.  

Super Church 2.0 Grow Up is only $149!

That’s 12 lessons teaching your kids – what matters most!

Order today and get FREE Shipping!

Don’t wait.  Order now and start teaching your kids the things that matter.

==YES, I want to order Super Church 2.0 Grow Up now.

Here is what Julie says about Super Church 2.0 Grow Up:
“Grow Up – Super Church” was excellent! It not only challenged the kids in my class to begin to grow up spiritually, but it challenged me as their teacher! Just the curriculum “church kids” really need!

Free Shipping on all orders in the month of January!

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