Category Archives: Christmas

How To Choose Happiness (When You Don’t Want To Be)

Well, we have officially entered into the Christmas Season. It is, after all, after Thanksgiving (or should I say Black Friday)? Either way we are on our way, whether we like it or not, toward Christmas. For some, this is a joyous, happy, exciting time. For others it may be a hard, somewhat painful period. […]

How To Recognize If You Are Becoming Overwhelmed

In the KidMin world, the Christmas season can be an exhilarating, yet demanding period. Preparing for special services, organizing events, and ensuring children grasp the significance of Christ’s birth can be all-consuming. The rush to make everything perfect for the children and their families can often leaves Kid’s Pastors feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. […]

How I Got Rid of the Grinch in My Life

I used to work in retail at a big box store. It might sound strange, but I used to get pretty anxious when Christmas was on the horizon. In the world of retail, from Thanksgiving through January, the holiday season was a rollercoaster of emotions. Customers often got impatient, frustrated, and sometimes even argumentative. It […]

How I Teach Kids To Have The Right Attitude At Christmas

Christmas is right around the corner.  I love this time of year.  It truly is the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year!” On the other hand, the real reason we celebrate Christmas can get lost in the hustle and bustle to get the best gifts and have the best decorated Christmas Tree. Our focus can […]

Why Happy Birthday, Jesus Curriculum?

You may be wondering, why a Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas Curriculum? Imagine for a minute that it is your birthday and your best friend has planned a birthday party for you. You are super excited as you arrive at your party. Everybody is having a great time, but for some reason no one talks to […]

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Part Four

CHRISTMAS MORNING CHRISTMAS MORNING BASKET Using a basket or box, fill it with things you may need for Christmas morning such as: scissors, batteries, extra ribbon, marker, paper, pen, trash bag.  It will help so you won’t have to stop and scramble. DO IT AHEAD OF TIME Before wrapping your kids presents, open up the […]

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Part Three

STAY HEALTHY Life is getting real – right now. There are moments my head is spinning – and I know I am prepared for a festive holiday – but still… Let me tell you a story. Our kids (Marky and Missy) were grown and married. Missy and Lance lived in Oklahoma and Mark and Katie […]

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Part Two

Fun presents, extra sweets, a vacation from school—what’s not to like for a kid, at Christmastime? It is easy for children to get a little carried away.  There may even be a point, when your kids get cranky or overtired and would rather watch Netflix than sit and talk with Grandma and Grandpa. Here are […]

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! PART ONE I think it is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!  But I will not kid you, it can also be one of the most stressful times of the year too.  Just thinking about meeting the high expectations of the holiday may already be making you […]

What About A Child’s Spiritual Diet?

One parenting craze that, as a mom with young children, that I am noticing is healthy, organic, food. Take a stroll down any grocery store, or baby food aisle. “Organic”, “All Natural”, “Gluten Free”, are just some of the words that jump out at you. As a parent of a five and seven-year-old, I as […]