Category Archives: Curriculum

Pandemic Faith: 3 things you should be doing with your faith.

We’ve all seen posts, heard commentaries and thought about it often, “Can 2020 be over?” No one thought that this year would be like it has been.  I am sure you, just like myself, had great plans that never materialized.  All around us there is heart-ache, brokenness and disappointment. We’re Christians, this is not supposed […]

Are the Formative Years really that important?

I love spending time with my grandchildren Andi (6), James (8) and Luci (4). Not only is it great fun, but every experience is a learning experience. This picture is from this summer. – Lutsen, Minnesota Are a child’s most formative years — from birth to age five? Studies show that 90 percent of a […]

I was hurt, ashamed and disappointed…

I didn’t know why I didn’t receive the Holy Spirit. When I was in seventh grade, I went forward to receive the Holy Spirit.  I was so excited.  From the earliest memories I have, I have always loved God and loved going to church.  When I realized that I wanted to speak in tongues, I […]

3 Ways The Holy Spirit Speaks To Us

When a child receives Christ the Holy Spirit comes to live inside them. Kids don’t get a junior Holy Spirit. They get the same Holy Spirit that you and I get. Why does the Holy Spirit come to live in us? The primary reason is to lead us and guide us. If I could do […]

Where is the best place to worship God?

Worship seems to be the easiest way to get into the presence of God. (Even unchurched people are drawn by true, sincere worship.) The Bible says, “The Father seeks such to worship Him.” What is God looking for? He is looking for people who are seeking Him. The reason we were created was to fellowship […]