Category Archives: Curriculum

Is Amazon Bringing Back The Holiday Catalog?

Last week, I received in the mail, at my home, a catalog from Amazon.  It included stickers and a special page for kids to write down what they wanted for Christmas.  Yes, Amazon has brought back the “Holiday Catalog.” If there is one thing we can all agree on, it is that receiving gifts is […]

Teaching Kids to Have the Right Attitude At Christmas

Christmas is right around the corner.  I love this time of year.  It truly is the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year!” On the other hand, the real reason we celebrate Christmas can get lost in the hustle and bustle to get the best gifts and have the best decorated Christmas Tree. Our focus can […]

The Blood Of Jesus – Object Lesson

Scripture Reference: 1 John 1:7, Psalm 51:2 Take Home Point: Jesus paid the price for my sin. What You Need: Clear jar full of water, red food coloring, small bottle of bleach, stir stick. Preparation: Have items prepared on stage before service and ready for use. Object Lesson Application: In this lesson we are talking […]

How to Remove Biblical Illiteracy from your Ministry

Children in our churches are becoming increasingly unlearned as far as the Bible is concerned. I hear many KidMin Leaders complain about the problem — mainly because there is no starting point. I have taken that as a personal mission to do whatever I can to become part of the solution. Here are a few of my […]

How I Turned My Ministry into a Family Ministry.

We hear a lot of talk today about family ministry, but what exactly is family ministry? My thoughts about family ministry have changed over thirty-five years of ministry. I have a different view of things than when I started. This is my definition of family ministry: family ministry is comprised of the church and the […]

Classroom Management Tips

Classroom Management. Yikes, we all need it and maybe struggle with it, but no one talks about it. But in reality, each one of your church classrooms have different needs and it is not the same from one age group to the next. When your class does not have the structure needed for the age […]

100% Organic Curriculum!

One parenting craze that, as a mom with toddlers, I am noticing is healthy, organic, food. Take a stroll down any grocery store or baby food aisle. “Organic”, “All Natural”, “Gluten Free”, are just some of the words that jump out at you. As a parent of a three-year-old, I try steer my own daughter […]

Don’t Pop the Bubble – Object Lesson

PROPS NEEDED: Piece of bubble gum for each child. Have the children stand up in a circle and have a bubble gum blowing contest. Pick the 2 with the biggest bubbles. Have a second contest (between your 2 still standing). Explain that this time you want them to blow the biggest bubble they can, but […]