Category Archives: Networking

The Quest: Biblically Literate Kids

Children in our churches are becoming increasingly unlearned as far as the Bible is concerned. I hear many KidMin Leaders complain about the problem — mainly because there is no starting point. I have taken that as a personal mission to do whatever I can to become part of the solution. Here are a few of my […]

What I Wish I Knew When I Started in Kid’s Ministry

The Survey Says, Part 3 – Others & You “If you could give some advice to a person who is new in ministry, what would it be?”  That is the question that I asked on FaceBook.  This is the last in this series as real KidMin Leaders share what they have learned about YOU & OTHERS […]

The Survey Says

The Survey Says: Part 3 – Oversight Think GROW Plan ahead, not just on events or classroom supplies. Be ready and solid in what you’re doing now, with growth plans built in. If you have 25 kids, treat the ministry like you have 50, so when you get 50, you won’t have to scramble. There […]

What I wish I knew when I started in KidMin

Today, I am sharing responses on Leadership that I received from FaceBook.  I asked the question, “If you could give some advice to a person who is new in ministry, what would it be?” These responses are from real KidMin Leaders who share what they have learned about LEADERSHIP. LEADERSHIP It’s one thing to lead followers, […]

If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher or Christian Leader you may have asked yourself this question: Should I talk to kids about the war in Ukraine?  It can be challenging to know whether to talk about these things, and exactly what do you say or how much information do you give. Our children are not the […]

My top failures as a Children’s Pastor

In over 30 years of Children’s Ministry, I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I don’t have any regrets, but I certainly have learned a lot of lessons along the way. After reflecting on the last 30 years, I wanted to share some things I would do differently along the way. Maybe it will be helpful to […]

4 Steps To Make Sure Your Goals Take Root

It’s Here!  2022!  This is the time of year that most of us make a promise to ourselves to do better, lose weight, get a new job, change our life.  But statistically only about 8 percent of us who make a New Year’s resolution stick to it. So what do we do?  Throw up our […]

LEADERSHIP: How to deal with a negative team member

Have you noticed that happy people tend to enjoy volunteering and serving with others. However, it can be difficult to stay positive when you are around someone who is super negative all the time. In life there are all types of people such as optimists, realists, pessimists, and opportunists. Therefore, it should not be a surprise […]

The “A” Team Gets The Job Done!

The A-Team is an American action-adventure television series that ran on NBC from 1983 to 1987 about former members of a fictitious United States Army Special Forces unit.  One of the show’s catchphrases, was, “I love it when a plan comes together.” Their call tag was, “If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find […]

3 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Week

One of the challenges of leadership is learning how to bring correction to your team and instill confidence at the same time. If I just bring correction I can destroy their confidence. If I am too nice they may not get it. The answer is to train your team members to coach themselves. The old […]