Category Archives: Teaching

Can a 5-year old receive Christ?

Ninety percent (90%) of a child’s personality is formed before the age of 5 years old. When ministering to preschool children you are establishing their foundation, in which their spiritual life will stand and be supported. You have an incredible opportunity to influence the character and development of the kids you are teaching. Don’t lose a minute. […]

4 Tools For Your Preschool Class

Ministering to 3-5 year olds can seem daunting at times. They are very wiggly and active. To set you up for success, here are four tools you can use every week. Yes, do these same four things every week. ONE: PLAYTIME An important part of your preschool class is playtime.  Playtime is important, because play […]

Can love be confusing to kids?

The Bible says that “God is Love,” but what does that mean? The way we use the word love in the 21st Century can be confusing for children. We say, “I love my Mom” and “I love candy.” Is love just an advanced case of the cooties or is it what compelled Jesus to the […]

Do our kids feel entitled at Christmas?

The following is a quote from Dr. Henry Cloud about entitlement. “Pointing to one character trait that causes more misery in people’s lives than any other would be difficult. Certainly one of the top three or four destructive traits would be having a feeling of entitlement. Entitlement is when someone feels as if people owe […]

Do you trust ME?

Sometimes bad things will happen that we have no control over.  One day when I was in Bible school, I received a phone call that my parents were getting a divorce.  I cried a lot as I prayed.  I asked God to help my parents and to bring them back together.  The Lord asked me, […]

PRAYER: Teaching Kids How To Get Answers To THEIR Prayers.

Do you remember the first prayer that you prayed and received an answer? What was that like? It was empowering and exciting, wasn’t it? That is why it is important to teach kids how to pray and get answers to their prayers. STEP ONE: Teaching kids that prayer is the key to our relationship with […]

One Way to Partner With Parents

You and I become like the people we hang with. The same thing is true concerning our children. Our kids become like who they hang with. If they hang with kids who love the Lord, they will love the Lord. The reverse is also true. I have had parents say this to me, “I decide who my kids’ […]

You’ve Got A Friend In Me

These words, “You’ve Got A Friend In Me” come alive thanks to the success of  “Toy Story” by Pixar. If you’ve seen any of the movies, and now hear this song what does it create in you? How about GIANT, warm, fuzzies! Friendship is a huge part of our life. Some friendships last a lifetime.  Some help us on […]

How to stop the fear of the unknown.

Fear can become overwhelming. Many of us, including our kids, are facing the giant “unknown.” Not knowing what to expect in life can cause anxiety and uneasiness in all of us. Right now our kids are having to face situations that we never had to deal with – along with just simply growing up. What has become normal […]

Have you thought about TRAINING your Kid Leaders?

Being in KidMin requires that we wear multiple hats in our role.  There are loads of things we need to put our time into every week, because Sunday is coming. I know what that is like.  You are driven by your passion to minister to kids.  Simple. But what it takes to have a great […]