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What Type of Kids’ Pastor Are You?

There are different types of Kids’ Pastors.  This is why it can be unwise to go look at someone else’s program and copy it.  If a church has a successful program, then they built their program around the strengths of the leader; but you may or may not have those same strengths. I’m not saying […]

3 Ways The Holy Spirit Speaks To Us

When a child receives Christ the Holy Spirit comes to live inside them. Kids don’t get a junior Holy Spirit. They get the same Holy Spirit that you and I get. Why does the Holy Spirit come to live in us? The primary reason is to lead us and guide us. If I could do […]

Are your Kids Online Services working?

Just like you, I am streaming an online kids service each week. The big question I have is, “Am I reaching kids and their families?” Is there a way to tell? How do I get my kids to engage and make a comment on my kids online service? This sounds easy, but is it? I […]

Learning From Parenting Failures

Covid-19 has turned everything upside down. We used to feel like we were in control of our lives, now we feel like we are not. This is especially disconcerting, when we are talking about our kids.  Maybe you used to feel like a good parent, and now you find yourself yelling at your kids a lot. […]

How To Teach Kids The POWER of CHOICE

One of the most powerful things God has given us is the power of choice.  He is the almighty and all powerful God, and even though He can do anything, the only thing He won’t do is make you serve Him.   It’s our choice. The freedom of choice is God’s idea. He wants us to […]

What Motivates God?

Everybody has something that makes them tick, something that motivates them.    For some people it is sports or video games.  For other people it is making money.  Many people are into collecting things such as baseball cards, comic books or antiques.  What is it that motivates God?  What does God the Father live for? […]

ON-LINE Kids Service with Super Church 2.0

If you’re like me, you have been scrambling to produce an on-line Kids Service. I have been pleasantly surprised at how well the Super Church 2.0 Curriculum translates on-line.  Here’s what we are doing: Right now, I am teaching on Finding God from the Super Church 2.0 curriculum. We are pre-recording the kids service and then hosting a Watch Party on […]

Are You On A Spending Freeze?

We sold very little curriculum this past month and I understand why. My church is on a spending freeze, and I’m guessing your church is too.  Instead of withdrawing, I want to be part of the solution.  Here’s what I’m thinking.  I see a lot of teaching on fear, telling kids not to be afraid. […]

Help Kids Overcome Their Fears

Fear is a powerful force that we all have to deal with. Right now, we are all facing a different “normal” with social distancing, lock downs and quarantine. Many families are facing the reality of loss of jobs and figuring out what “distance learning” is.  All of this, while our children watch. As a parent, […]